Rose Island author Terry Chambers (center) is flanked by Hydra Publications authors Robb Hoff (left) and Bill Noel (right) at the 2018 Kentucky Book Festival.

Rose Island author Terry Chambers (center) is flanked by Hydra Publications authors Robb Hoff (left) and Bill Noel (right) at the 2018 Kentucky Book Festival.

Rose Island by Terry Chambers is one thrilling historical ride of a read!

 Bookended in the present by an ancient gold coin wrought from the legend of the Welsh Prince Madoc, the historical novel Rose Island does much more than just tell the tale of “Summer 1936” at a bygone resort on the outskirts of Louisville, Kentucky. 

Author Terry Chambers stamps her own mark on the bullion treasure of Ohio River history, myth, and legend that surrounds the “Moon-Eyed People” of Welsh descent, who perhaps inhabited the region centuries before Columbus ever set sail.

Her paranormal intrusion of this ancient legend energizes a story that is enhanced further by the likes of the “Sleeping Prophet,” Edgar Cayce, the mordaciously murderous Ku Klux Klan villain, D.C. Stephenson, and the hauntingly mysterious “Lady in Blue,” of Louisville’s Seelbach Hotel, where famed author F. Scott Fitzgerald found inspiration for The Great Gatsby.

Chambers perfectly portrays her characters in the milieu of their time, in what turns out to be the final fling for the Rose Island resort before the Ohio River flood of 1937 obliterated it for keeps.

The drama pivots on the relationship between betrothed up-and-comers Claire and Bill. Once turmoil turns up in spades, the story gets spiked by violent twists that shock and surprise until myth and legend restore the order of fate in a way that is as sweet as it is sad.

Check out Rose Island if you’re ready for one great, big reading buzzZZZZZ! Order here.